
Showing posts from January, 2019

Blackfish/killer whale, captivity

I think killer whales/ blackfish. Should be set free and out in the wild, because they only have one, matter of fact everyone only has one life, would you rather spend your life, in a cage limited to where you can go, or out free where there’s no limits and you can just live life and enjoy it. I understand that sea world cares for them really good, feed them, train them, keeps them healthy, safe. But I think, some if not most killer whales/ blackfish would prefer to be free and care for themselves and. Live a happy life,

Should we wear school uniform?

I think we should where school uniform because there are some kids that have just one hoodie or 1 shirt, and there are some kids that might have dirty clothes or clothes that’s aren’t as nice as there friends clothes. We also should where uniform so we can prevent violence or any risk of trouble because if we don’t have uniform people could be wearing gang colors.

One word 2019

My one word is “Do” because whenever I doubt myself I can just say “Do” and I’ll have motivation along with other words but out of all the words that I say to motivate me “Do” is the most inspirational, and when I am at a disadvantage or something when I’m saying I can’t. I will be thinking of the word “Do”.